This soap never looks the same from batch to batch. It's a bit finicky to work with, but it's a popular bar with my customers so I keep making it :)
Along with the essential oils listed above, it has wonderful oils such as lots of olive, coconut, palm, avocado and unrefined, fair-trade shea butter, and beeswax from a local apiary. I colour it with red clay. Sometimes it's a defined swirl, other times it's a layer. This batch it's all just kinda mixed in for a speckled pattern. This isn't the prettiest batch I've made, but it still works :)
Happiness Thought of the Day:
"There is no greater happiness than going out of your way to do something for a good cause in which your part is only discovered by chance."
It is so exciting and nostelgic to see your beautiful creations, Jody. I'm so glad I found your blog! Sue
Sue!!! I am so glad you found my blog, too :) I miss you :)
I have to run to Greenwood to pick up a couple of violins, but I'll be back later to check out your blog, too.
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