Today was an absolutely beautiful day here in Nova Scotia :) The forecast was calling for a high of 26C here, and I decided to get out of the house all by myself while the kids were in school and take a little road-trip! It was glorious! I do enjoy taking the kids on mini-adventures so they can see all of this beautiful province (and so I can see it fresh through their eyes), but going on a solo road-trip is a different experience altogether.

I decided to go to a beach I've never been to before. It's called Crescent Beach and it's in Lunenburg Co., just outside Petite Riviere. There was a bit of delay getting there, as there was a road crew re-paving a section of Highway 103 and it was down to 1 lane of traffic. But the wait wasn't too long. I stopped shortly past the re-paving at a bridge to take some photos of the Mushamush River, then headed on.

I actually got lost trying to get to the beach ... I was following the directions that Google Maps gave, and ended up on a dirt road that brought me back to the highway going back the way I came from! So as soon as I realized the problem, I turned around and stopped following Google's directions ;)

When I got to the beach, it practically took my breath away! It was an amazing sight - unlike any other beach I've seen in NS.

It stretched farther than I could see with gorgeous sand. I wish I had gotten on the road a bit earlier so I could spend more time there. It's definitely a place I'd like to take the kids to later.Crescent Beach is a 4 km crescent of sand, and it forms a natural causeway to the LaHave Islands. It was weird, though, as I noticed a car drive right down onto the beach as I was getting out of the van. Perhaps in the summer, when they are more people on the beach, the cars can't get on the sand. I certainly hope so, anyway... And the wind off the water was perfect. I like it warm, but even 29C is a bit too hot for me, but the wind off the Atlantic waves cooled it down just enough that I was comfortable.
I hope you enjoyed the little tour :)
Until next time,
Happiness Thought of the Day:
"You don't have to fight or struggle to gain happiness."
sounds and looks beautiful!!!
Great for you — solo adventures are the most fun :)
Crystal Crescent Beach (which I think is the same as the one you went to?) has a special spot in my heart... it's where I had my first kiss with John, my fiancé! :-* Awwww...
I hope the weather stays gorgeous out there. Can't wait to make it back!
Happy you both enjoyed the tour :)
Actually M, Crystal Crescent Beach is a different beach - just outside of the Halifax/Dartmouth area. Crescent Beach is just under 2 hours from Halifax, going towards Yarmouth.
And "very" nice memory of Crystal Crescent Beach you have :)
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